Our Mission
LevFem is a left-wing feminist organization founded in 2018. It addresses issues related to the socio-economic inequalities produced in a capitalist economy, which are directly linked to the increase in gender inequalities. LevFem works primarily towards the alignment of women workers in feminised key sectors such as health, social services, education, care work, and representatives of marginalised communities with the goals of the feminist movement. The organisation links the feminist movement to the LGBTI+ cause and anti-racism, building on the principles of intersectionality. To these ends, LevFem organises discussions, publications, research and campaigns. Its activities are both in Bulgaria and internationally.
Our goals
- Building an active and diverse community around the principles of feminism, anti-racism and anti-capitalism that can defend and advocate for social justice demands and participate in the dissemination and promotion of these principles in society.
- Creating broad public sensitivity through campaigns, discussions, mobilizations supported by in-depth research on social issues from an intersectional perspective that translates Bulgarian specificity into understandable language and presents it in the context of global and structural processes and historical overlays.
It is time we looked at the bigger picture when it comes to where the current system is broken beyond repair.
Bulgaria: Call for international solidarity against anti-LGBTI+ law
Statement on the adoption of an anti-LGBTI+ law in Bulgaria
Declaration on Climate Justice
Several Bulgarian collectives demand urgent measures to tackle the climate crisis
LevFem on 1st May: the current crisis is not that new for Eastern European workers
This year 1st May is going to be very different from what we have seen in the past
Скритият труд и (не)прикритото насилие: анонс за първи май
[EN version in the text] Събираме текстове за Деня на труда
The nurses in Bulgaria are rising up
The nurses in Bulgaria have declared 1st of March a day of strike
Statement by LevFem regarding the latest demolition of Roma houses in Bulgaria
LevFem stands in solidarity with our Roma sisters and brothers
Solidarity messages sent to LevFem: Part 2
Solidarity messages for the protest against gender-based violence sent to LevFem.
Taking stock: the struggle continues!
The struggle continues – these are our demands ahead of the protest against the violence against women, which will take place on 26 November 2018 in the Bulgarian cities of Sofia and Varna
What We Do
Social Reproduction
Social reproduction is the process of creating and rebuilding the labour force, which usually takes place in the home thanks to the unpaid and unrecognized work performed by women. It includes domestic, emotional and caring labour.
Social Reproduction
Social reproduction is the process of creating and rebuilding the labour force, which usually takes place in the home thanks to the unpaid and unrecognized work performed by women. It includes domestic, emotional and caring labour.
Migration is a natural part of people’s lives, but migrants are subject to racist border regimes. We are fighting against the exploitation of migrant women from Bulgaria in other countries, as well as the exploitation and violence against migrant women from the Global South.
Migration is a natural part of people’s lives, but migrants are subject to racist border regimes. We are fighting against the exploitation of migrant women from Bulgaria in other countries, as well as the exploitation and violence against migrant women from the Global South.
Workers’ Rights
At LevFem, we often address labour issues within feminised work sectors, gender inequalities in the labour market in general, and the de-economisation of women’s work in the home. We stand shoulder to shoulder with the struggles of nurses, teachers, seamstresses, cleaners, care workers, etc.
Workers' Rights
At LevFem, we often address labour issues within feminised work sectors, gender inequalities in the labour market in general, and the de-economisation of women’s work in the home. We stand shoulder to shoulder with the struggles of nurses, teachers, seamstresses, cleaners, care workers, etc.
Violence Against Women
The roots of violence are deeply embedded in the historical position of women in social, political and economic structures, violence has patriarchal, economic, racist, homophobic dimensions. To understand it, we cannot and should not think of these processes in isolation, but in their interconnectedness and intersectionality.
Violence Against Women
The roots of violence are deeply embedded in the historical position of women in social, political and economic structures, violence has patriarchal, economic, racist, homophobic dimensions. To understand it, we cannot and should not think of these processes in isolation, but in their interconnectedness and intersectionality.
Reproductive Justice
We oppose attacks by ultraconservative governments and demand safe, legal and free abortion and contraception. Threats to women’s rights and bodily integrity are inseparable from economic policies that privatise the labour of social reproduction and require conservative values to defend the need to exploit women.
Reproductive Justice
We oppose attacks by ultraconservative governments and demand safe, legal and free abortion and contraception. Threats to women’s rights and bodily integrity are inseparable from economic policies that privatise the labour of social reproduction and require conservative values to defend the need to exploit women.
Mobilizations and Resistance
Together, let us imagine ways in which we can make our struggles visible and connect across borders. Strikes, demonstrations, marches, assemblies, flash mobs and symbolic actions to strengthen our struggles.
We support organizing efforts for better working conditions, and for freedom from violence and oppression.
Mobilizations and Resistance
Together, let us imagine ways in which we can make our struggles visible and connect across borders. Strikes, demonstrations, marches, assemblies, flash mobs and symbolic actions to strengthen our struggles.
We support organizing efforts for better working conditions, and for freedom from violence and oppression.
Capitalism, patriarchy and racism are global systems that reinforce and fuel extreme forms of inequality and violence. Only resistance at the global level will be able to crush them.
We strongly oppose racist policies against the Roma, other ethnic minorities and migrants and stand with our sisters in their struggles for a life of dignity.
Capitalism, patriarchy and racism are global systems that reinforce and fuel extreme forms of inequality and violence. Only resistance at the global level will be able to crush them.
We strongly oppose racist policies against the Roma, other ethnic minorities and migrants and stand with our sisters in their struggles for a life of dignity.
Trans and Queer
Time to look to the struggles that make up our queer heritage – the struggles to liberate our bodies and experiences, the struggles against violence and oppression in all its forms, the struggles for solidarity and justice – to dare to stand up once again with pride.
Trans and Queer
Time to look to the struggles that make up our queer heritage – the struggles to liberate our bodies and experiences, the struggles against violence and oppression in all its forms, the struggles for solidarity and justice – to dare to stand up once again with pride.
Climate Justice
The climate crisis is one of the most serious threats facing humanity today. At home, it is already leading to stronger and more frequent storms, torrential rains and floods, prolonged droughts, heat waves and other natural disasters that will continue to worsen in the future. These events are a direct threat to ecosystems and have the greatest negative impact on poor and vulnerable people.
Climate Justice
The climate crisis is one of the most serious threats facing humanity today. At home, it is already leading to stronger and more frequent storms, torrential rains and floods, prolonged droughts, heat waves and other natural disasters that will continue to worsen in the future. These events are a direct threat to ecosystems and have the greatest negative impact on poor and vulnerable people.
International Struggles
We are working to build international solidarity. LevFem is part of the international network EAST (Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational).
International Struggles
We are working to build international solidarity. LevFem is part of the international network EAST (Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational).
We seek to contextualize the feminist movement in Bulgaria historically as a source of empowerment, collective strength and a sense of belonging to a historical struggle.
We seek to contextualize the feminist movement in Bulgaria historically as a source of empowerment, collective strength and a sense of belonging to a historical struggle.

Mariya Ivancheva
Maria Ivancheva is a sociologist and anthropologist, Senior Lecturer at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. Her research focuses on educational and labour inequalities and movements for social justice especially in the transition from/to state socialism. She is a member of the LeftFem collective and an editor at the online portal LeftEast.

Stoyanka Eneva
Stoyanka Eneva is an anthropologist and PhD in political science from Universidad Autónoma in Madrid. Her interests are in the fields of urban studies, social movement studies, migration and feminism. She is a member of the Levfem collective and of various feminist and anti-racist collectives in Madrid.

Lea Vajsova
Lea Vajsova has a PhD in Sociology and is a senior lecturer at the Department of Sociology, Sofia University. Her research interests are in the field of social movement studies and feminism. She is a member of the LevFem.

Nely Konstantinova
Neli Konstantinova is a PhD in Media and Communications and a lecturer at the University of Leeds, UK. Her research interests are in the field of political communication and digital technologies, particularly in relation to the role of social media in social movements and protest mobilisations. She is a member of LevFem.

Kalina Drenska
Kalina Drenska is a member of LevFem and an activist in the field of women’s and labour rights. One of the editors of dVersia, a political, social and cultural analysis journal. One of the coordinators of the international feminist network Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational (EAST).

Alessandria Angelova
Alessandria Angelova is a sociologist with research interests in climate and environmental justice, gender inequalities and labour rights. Her work focuses primarily on the role of economic inequalities in the labour market and their impact on women.

Stoyo Tetevenski
A queer and vegan political activist, anti-fascist and anti-capitalist. Organizes communities, studies theory, and participates in various mobilizations for social and climate justice.

Kameliya Dobreva
She has a BA in International Relations and is a student of Peace and Conflict Studies. Her research interests include gender-based violence in conflict and post-conflict settings, human rights violations during conflict, and the impact of the climate crisis on conflict and migration.